Today's Judgment

clickety-clack clack ding

Superman is easy; writing him is hard... of you have no idea why the concept works.

Recent Judgments

Hey, I'm Data, but I got my Lore face on! Remember that time they ripped off WRATH OF KHAN for the third time?
Price didn't mind it as much as I did, and he called plot points as they happened. That guy is a Trekkie, I don't know if you know.
As usual, sorry for all the cussin' and taking of the Lord's name in vain, and whatnot, but... sigh. Forget it, Jake; it's Chinatown.
We spent a long time on UFO for a show that is three guys talking about STAR TREK. Also, I tell Price he looks like Paul bettany.
Price has got something to say about PICARD.
A blast from the past, where I am 100% on-record about Alan McElroy running STAR TREK.
You can write this stuff, but you can’t say it.
John Price's seminal piece setting right what once went wrong is enjoying new life in its evergreen, if not omega, glory.


It’s okay, fellow writers, AI is only taking artists' jobs.
Confidently staying on just this side of the Nice List, I nevertheless must feel pretty confident, taking all those shots at establishment figures from marvel and DC and pulling the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger and whatnot.


'Tis the season, of course, for all the Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie or Not? discussions and we all started talking about Hamilton...
Hi, all. Sorry it has been a hot minute since I wrote one of these, but, back in the swing of things, I have...

Welcome to Dork Court

I’m going to have to start some kind of decent pop culture review site because everything is clickbait nonsense or drivel from morons or both.

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