Today's Judgment

clickety-clack clack ding

Superman is easy; writing him is hard... of you have no idea why the concept works.

Recent Judgments

Well, I was kinda disgusted they didn't really kill Worf, but Price is giving you your money's worth, this week.
OK, they got me with the Worf thing. And the shuttle-to-the-nacelle thing.
I can't think of anyone doing a more detailed analysis of ST at every conceivable facet and layer than Dr. John E. Price, PhD. KNEEL BEFORE ZOD
You know the middle of PICARD is boring if I wear a S2 uniform and it doesn't really come up because we talk about FREEJACK the whole time.
I thought the first six episodes of this was supposed to be GREAT.
You know what happens when Steve adds on to his house? Steve Uchrin will return.
This is the STD autopsy you've been waiting for! Not a hoax! NOT AN IMAGINARY STORY!
You know, I think Price talked me into kinda liking this one, too.
Pretty deep dive on stardates.
Speaking of conspiracy theories, notice how all the glowing pre-release press hit all the same talking points? Price did, and spelled it out for you.
Well, those next four episodes better be amazing or my list of untrustworthy critics is going to grow three sizes that day.

Welcome to Dork Court

I’m going to have to start some kind of decent pop culture review site because everything is clickbait nonsense or drivel from morons or both.

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