Today's Judgment

clickety-clack clack ding

Superman is easy; writing him is hard... of you have no idea why the concept works.

Recent Judgments

So I know everybody else has figured this out, but Walker did first.
It's pretty cool to have STAR TREK on again.
The true measure of success is how many times you can bounce back from failure. The true measure of a good Steve article is how many times he cusses.
Look, I'm as surprised as you are. Definite 9/10, losing a point off perfection because every time you bring up the Gorn, a puppy owned by Ridley Scott dies.
Endless Star Wars/Star Trek analysis. AS YOU'VE COME TO EXPECT
The crushing disappointment of the pervasiveness of empty nostalgia. Price likes it now, but only the first two and the last two. We all think Jack Crusher is lame.

‘Member Berries

"Here, have some 'member berries" doesn't work on people who remember when STAR TREK was thought-provoking *while being* entertaining. You don't have to choose between one or the other.

Space: $19.99

We spend kind of a long time on Picard Season 3 Episode 1, Dantron keeps a firm hand on the tiller, Price spends a...
I just don't understand what these PICARD guys are doing with this show and guess what? NEITHER DOES PRICE

Welcome to Dork Court

I’m going to have to start some kind of decent pop culture review site because everything is clickbait nonsense or drivel from morons or both.

Popular Judgments

Shulkie is All We Byrne Fans Hoped For

Acting powerhouse Tatiana Maslany and her seventeen Emmys for ORPHAN BLACK sell a dopey concept immediately.

The Seven Best Movies You Have Never Seen

Of course you have seen these. ARMAGEDDON, at least. I just haven't given you something to read for a while. Mimi's on a business trip, so... here.

In Defense of Zack Snyder in Easily Digestible Morsels

I said to Paulett Sutton I could write "Zack Snyder is a genius" and people would freak. #TeamLarry, or #TeamPaulett?

Wait! Have You Not Seen 13th Warrior?

This and TOMBSTONE were the two movies Steve and Mark couldn't believe I hadn't seen yet. I encourage you to read this and then do so.