Today's Judgment

Wait! Have You Not Seen… DISORDERLIES?

“Okay now, there were sixteen chocolate cakes in that refrigerator. Where are they?”

Recent Judgments

Once again, Larry Young, agent of SHIELD (first in-universe appearance: Cable #60) and national security expert and SHIELD counsel Brad Moss join Peter Parker's...
Things I start that stick always seem to happen in the middle of its month. Anyway, happy first anniversary, Dork Court.
Look, remember that episode of THE BEAR where the sandwich shop got a C and it fired everybody up? This is like that.
I'd have probably liked this nonsense if it wasn't a musical.
After spending a week in San Diego at the big con, we somehow missed two episodes but saw the LOWER DECKS crossover four times. Multiverse!
There's an earthquake fault running right through Hollywood. It's not the fault's fault, either.
It's no secret I love Ortegas on Strange New Worlds; I write that almost every time I do a column on the show and...
So I know everybody else has figured this out, but Walker did first.
It's pretty cool to have STAR TREK on again.
The true measure of success is how many times you can bounce back from failure. The true measure of a good Steve article is how many times he cusses.
Look, I'm as surprised as you are. Definite 9/10, losing a point off perfection because every time you bring up the Gorn, a puppy owned by Ridley Scott dies.

Welcome to Dork Court

I’m going to have to start some kind of decent pop culture review site because everything is clickbait nonsense or drivel from morons or both.

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The Seven Best Movies You Have Never Seen

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