Today's Judgment

Wait! Have you have not seen…ZARDOZ?

Steve returns with what will quite possibly be the first article of the VOLUME II collection.

Recent Judgments

The crew of the USS Fred Mertz continue to boldly explore the furthest reaches of the galaxy in search of pithy commentary.

Pike’s Peak

The crew looks at episode 2 of Strange New Worlds and whatever else the sci-fi world has to offer this week.
Join the crew as we explore strange new visions of Star Trek and both revel in and make fun of the smorgasbord of entertainment the world has become.
When Dantron goes missing from the landing party, Captain John Siuntres beams Larry and Price out and saves our asses.

Netflix and Kill

The Crew talk about what the new landscape of streaming services means for the brave new world of pop culture flotsam and jetsam.

Ten Backward

Belly up to the bar for some syntheholic shenanigans, or check out the backroom where the chat flows like Romulan ale.
Belly up to the bar for some syntheholic shenanigans, or check out the backroom where the chat flows like Romulan ale.
The SST Crew like to look at the wackier side of life in the Roddenberryverse...

Picard Tricks

The crew takes look at Star Trek Picard Season 3, and anything else in the same quadrant of goofy science fiction.

Omega Glory Hole

Larry, Dr John and Dantron boldly explore the outer limits of good taste and science fiction!
Captain Larry, Dr John and Engineer Dantron of Desilu explore the softer, moister side of Star Trek as we break down our favorite love-based episodes. Trigger Warning: graphic depiction of alien anatomy will be laughed about.
*Please note that the thumbnail contents and title may differ from actual content which will probably consist of John, Larry and Dan talking about spaceships and tv shows they like to varying degrees.

Welcome to Dork Court

I’m going to have to start some kind of decent pop culture review site because everything is clickbait nonsense or drivel from morons or both.

Popular Judgments

Shulkie is All We Byrne Fans Hoped For

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The Seven Best Movies You Have Never Seen

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In Defense of Zack Snyder in Easily Digestible Morsels

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Wait! Have You Not Seen Ford Fairlane?

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