Today's Judgment

Wait! Have you have not seen…ZARDOZ?

Steve returns with what will quite possibly be the first article of the VOLUME II collection.

Recent Judgments

The crew looks at Star Trek Brave New Worlds Season 1 Episode 8: The Elysian Kingdom

A Fine Mess

The SST Crew takes a look at the finer points of diplomacy and intergalactic cuisine. Serious Star Trek is destination viewing for the discriminating...

Joker 2

I really hope DC knows what they’re doing what with all this news about JOKER 2.
The crew of the USS Fred Mertz continue their never-ending quest to be disappointed by TV shows.
Do you guys want them to just let evil win? You’re just not getting the theme of the show you love, I guess.

Ensign Crunch

Some writers look back at their early stuff and blanch, but I look back on the stuff I once wrote and marvel how good it came out given the resources and abilities I had available to me at the time.
Unbelievably, the 8-foot filming model for the ALIEN ship was unceremoniously dumped in Bob Burns’ driveway almost thirty years ago.
Neill Blomkamp’s cyberpunk political allegory Elysium is exactly the kind of movie I used to dream about in the middle of the night on-shift cutting granite in rural Georgia in 1986 as I looked up into the night sky in-between rock loads.
In which a stray comment by EJ Feddes asking me if I was interested in any props from the Lost Auction practically forced me to design a Dharma spacesuit.
I’m going to have to start some kind of decent pop culture review site because everything is clickbait nonsense or drivel from morons or both.
The crew takes a look at the lighter side of the Star Trek Strange New Worlds episode, Spock Amok. Warning: we might need a...
The crew continue their examination of the backrooms of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and the liminal space it occupies in the mind of Trek fans everywhere.

Welcome to Dork Court

I’m going to have to start some kind of decent pop culture review site because everything is clickbait nonsense or drivel from morons or both.

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