HomeSerious Star Trek Podcast

Serious Star Trek Podcast

LARRY vs. STAR TREK: PICARD S3E1 is Exactly What You Feared and Not a Bit of What You Had Hoped

As usual, sorry for all the cussin' and taking of the Lord's name in vain, and whatnot, but... sigh. Forget it, Jake; it's Chinatown.

Serious Star Trek: Episode 53

We spent a long time on UFO for a show that is three guys talking about STAR TREK. Also, I tell Price he looks like Paul bettany.

3 Things I Want From Star Trek Picard S3

Price has got something to say about PICARD.

Holo Pursuits: the podcast

Dr. John was on an off-planet mission and Dantron and I kept the lights on. Larry really feels badly he continues to not like...

Boba Fett-ish?

Price loves non-Kurtzman STAR TREK, Dan talks about global nuclear disarmament, and Larry just literally can't believe you can buy STAR TREK uniforms for...

Dilithium or Die Tryin’

Dr. John Price, PhD, and John discuss Fake Vash on LOWER DECKS as Dantron deftly navigates the jokes and Larry cries when EJ Feddes...

Tardigraded on a Curve

Dan drops the difference between "labyrinth" and "maze," John tells the story of his first date with Jess the science officer, and Larry inexplicably...

Dilithium Dilemma

On the fortieth episode of the podcast, this one features Larry's pitch for STAR TREK: FOR THE TIME BEING, which would save all of us from watching this corporate nonsense. Price talks about plot twists and Jonathan Frakes, and Dantron loves the idea of Section 31, to much outrage.

To Catch a Predator

The boys gaze into the abyss and laugh in the face of danger as they comb the quadrant in search of intelligent science fiction.

Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind

The Crew of the Mertz explore the dark recesses of fandom and beyond to better understand the love/hate relationship we have with pop culture iconography.

Captain Ricardo

The USS Fred Mertz returns to the Ricardo-Mc McGillicuddy cluster in search of that rarest of elements: Vitameatavegemin!

Gorn Again

The crew reunites only to confront the temporal anomaly known as grown-up schedule conflicts!

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