HomeSerious Star Trek Podcast

Serious Star Trek Podcast


OK, they got me with the Worf thing. And the shuttle-to-the-nacelle thing.

STP S3 E4: Forget All That Weird Shit on the Stargazer

I can't think of anyone doing a more detailed analysis of ST at every conceivable facet and layer than Dr. John E. Price, PhD. KNEEL BEFORE ZOD

Serious Star Trek: Episode 57

You know the middle of PICARD is boring if I wear a S2 uniform and it doesn't really come up because we talk about FREEJACK the whole time.


I thought the first six episodes of this was supposed to be GREAT.

Muddled Refuse and Empty Dreams

This is the STD autopsy you've been waiting for! Not a hoax! NOT AN IMAGINARY STORY!

STP S3 E3: Victory is Life

You know, I think Price talked me into kinda liking this one, too.

LARRY versus STAR TREK: Seventeen Seconds Isn’t as Long as You’d Think

I just wish this was Season One and not Season Three.

Serious Star Trek: Episode 55

Pretty deep dive on stardates.

Star Trek Paint By Numbers

Speaking of conspiracy theories, notice how all the glowing pre-release press hit all the same talking points? Price did, and spelled it out for you.

LARRY vs. STAR TREK: ENOUGH with the Jennifer Lopez

Well, those next four episodes better be amazing or my list of untrustworthy critics is going to grow three sizes that day.

Serious Star Trek: Episode 54

Hey, I'm Data, but I got my Lore face on! Remember that time they ripped off WRATH OF KHAN for the third time?

STP S3 E1: <Insert 45 minute riff from the TNG Soundtrack>

Price didn't mind it as much as I did, and he called plot points as they happened. That guy is a Trekkie, I don't know if you know.

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