


'Tis the season, of course, for all the Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie or Not? discussions and we all started talking about Hamilton...

Wait! Have You Not Seen UHF?

Hi, all. Sorry it has been a hot minute since I wrote one of these, but, back in the swing of things, I have...

“57 Channels and Nothin’ On” Doesn’t Make Sense in the Streaming Environment and You Have No Excuse, Marina Koren

So, here it is, in yet another article exploring just how creatively bereft the kids are nowadays, and how their nonsense actively makes a...

Wait! Have You Not Seen… The ‘Burbs?

In a first for Steve, he absolutely guarantees if you buy this flick on DVD and you don't think it's worth two dollars, he wants you to SEND HIM THE BILL.

In Defense of Zack Snyder in Easily Digestible Morsels

I said to Paulett Sutton I could write "Zack Snyder is a genius" and people would freak. #TeamLarry, or #TeamPaulett?

Wait! Have You Not Seen 13th Warrior?

This and TOMBSTONE were the two movies Steve and Mark couldn't believe I hadn't seen yet. I encourage you to read this and then do so.

Wait! Have You Not Seen Tango & Cash?

I assure you: a classic, often-skipped Kurt Russell and Sylvester Stallone gem. 

Wait; Have You Not Seen The Running Man?

Steve bumps the beach ball up in the air again, giving you that fantastic Friday, slide-into-the-weekend content you're come to expect from him.

Wait! Have You Not Seen Dragnet?

I worked at a video store so my opinions actually matter. This Friday, under the microscope? Dan Aykroyd and Tom Hanks.

The Seven Best Movies You Have Never Seen

Of course you have seen these. ARMAGEDDON, at least. I just haven't given you something to read for a while. Mimi's on a business trip, so... here.

Wait! Have You Not Seen Ford Fairlane?

I am the guy who wrote the past two reviews of flicks I think you should see. I worked in a video store so I think my opinion means something...

Wait; Have You Not Seen This?

Okay Larry, I will do another one. Thank you for reading the last one and I assure you I will try to ramble less. Wait; you posted that to the site?

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